![]() The Secret is Love. The secret to... evolution, overcoming all issues, getting the answers from the universe, having patience with others, etc... is Love. Love is a universal cosmic energy & the key that opens all doors automatically. Emotions are connected to & utilize the universal cosmic energy of love. Our emotions are a part of all of our motivations but what are emotions? In the following article I'll share with you the resources I collected from Dark Light Consciousness: Melanin, Serpent Power & the Luminous Matrix of Reality by Dr. Edward Bynum & 7 Secrets of the Initiated by M. C. Sinclair. EMOTIONS Emotions are biological states connected with the nervous system bought on by changes variously associated with thought, feelings & behavioral responses. Emotions are not negative or positive but high & low vibration. When unexpressed, emotions appear as physical ailments such as swellings, clots, tumors, spasms, migraines, etc. When they are in flow you can express & experience them fully without the above effects. Expressing the emotions or expressing the Heart is experiencing the power of love. It is also the second secret of an initiate according to 7 Secrets of the Initiated. In the 7 Secrets, Sinclair shares that there are 5 basic emotions that all others originate from. The emotions are fear, anger, sadness, joy & compassion. Fear is an emotion induced by perceived danger or threat, which causes physiological changes and ultimately behavioral changes. Fear is often repressed & need to be expressed & released. Anger is a reaction to protect integrity of personal boundaries. Express anger to release compassion. Sadness is an emotional relaxation/release that occurs when expectations & wishes are not fulfilled. Express sadness & disappointment with life to release joy. Joy is the expansive energy of dynamic well-being. Joy cures, strengthens & restores confidence in the inner life. Compassion is experienced after fear, anger, sadness & joy is expressed. Compassion is being able to feel what another person feels while remaining detached. Compassion helps to make contact with the true emotions & expose the false ones. In Dark Light Consciousness, Dr. Bynum speaks about the emotions being connected to the midbrain limbic system (amygdala, hippocampus, inferior temporal lobe, hypothalamus & other parts of the brain). The limbic system is considered a very old memory or system that's connected to human evolution. Dr. Jewel Pookrum speaks of the 7 Circuits of the Brain in which she explains that humans have evolves but still currently have each species inside of our brain i.e. insect, reptile, bird, mammal, fish, etc. Therefore, we humans didn't create emotions it's a memory coming from within. Emotions can sometimes get out of control & it does require us to get to know them, take control of them, learn to experience & express them when they occur. UNIVERSAL COSMIC ENERGY Cosmic energy is one of the English translations of the Hindu term shakti. It refers to external spiritual energy and can also refer to prana, primal life force or the life energy that is the source of kundalini. Cosmic energy is thought to be a vital source that animates all forms of life and maintains the balance of the entire cosmos. Cosmic energy is also known as the energy of Supreme Consciousness and Intelligence or even God. It is present everywhere at all times. People need this energy in order to maintain balance in their lives, and they can purposely receive it by practicing spirituality. It can also be received through breathing techniques, meditation, yoga, tai chi, or other similar exercises. EMOTIONS & UNIVERSAL COSMIC ENERGY Do ye know ye are little God's? We are universal expression of the Supreme Consciousness. As shared above, fully experiencing & expressing the emotions allows freedom, flow & control. Since emotions are connected to the universal cosmic energy & cosmic energy is the supreme Intelligence, we must be in tune with it. We must align our emotions with the cosmic energy & be co-creators. Of course it is necessary to have spiritual or energetic discipline to activate, align & be in harmony in order to co-create. If you ready to test you connection to the cosmos through your emotions it is important to know the emotions & especially know what they are to you. I'll follow up next week with methods & exercises to release & get to know you emotions. Be well, Quafin
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