![]() I pray you all are well. Today we'll be exploring death & the legacy left behind. Sometimes this subject is sensitive & tricky so i'll be cool & share my piece. I present to you some of my loved ones... 1. Dr. Avi Melech, 58, Diabetes 2. Zuberi Badili, 58, Sudden death (Member of HYU) 3. Angela Stringfellow,45, Sudden death (Member of HYU 4. Mama B'lov, 73, Stroke 5. Joel William, 55, Quivering heart I was very close to the list of people above & didn't know that they were not doing well. At each of their memorial I examined what they left behind & asked myself...WHAT ARE THEY TELLING ME IN DEATH THAT THEY DIDN'T IN LIFE? HOW I CAN LEARN FROM THEM? But first i'd like to address what death is from what I've learned. DEATH Death is a disease caused by thoughts & belief. The human body is up of cells that are constantly regenerating with electricity, light & life. Yet cells can be blocked or disturbed by the person in the body via the way the person lives. Many of the great researchers & scholars.... Dr. Jewel Pookrum, Dr. Phil Valentine, Dr. Delbert Blair, Dick Gregory.... just to name a few spoke on the topic of death as a disease. Interestingly, scientific research into single-celled organisms reveals that the nature of life, on a cellular level, does not automatically include a self-destruct mechanism for death. In other words, death is an unnatural part of life. Yet despite this, everything on earth is dying. THE LEGACY THAT DEATH LEAVES Death is popular & I often remind people of what we are made of. We are electromagnetic beings & connected to an energy source. The law of conservation of energy states that energy is neither created or destroyed but transformed/transferred. In Kemetic & Yoruba spiritual systems when someone dies their energy/spirit returns or transforms back to the energy source from which it came. The dead/ancestor is seen as a source of energy & power to connect & communicate with. People who have passed generate energy of lessons they've learned (or didn't) that we can connect to. Imma take a step back & reflect on my loved ones lessons & analyze the cause of their transition from this plane of existence. Dr. Avi Melech Diabetes: He was longing for what might have been. He had a great need to control, had deep sorrow & no sweetness left Mama B'Lov Stroke: giving up, resistance, rather die than change, rejection of life Zuberi Badili (Sudden death - heart) & Joel Williams (Quivering heart) Heart: Represents the center of love and security. Heart Attack: Squeezing all the joy out of the heart in favor of money or position. Feeling alone and scared. “I’m not good enough. I don’t do enough. I’ll never make it.” Heart Problems: Longstanding emotional problems. Lack of joy. Hardening of the heart. Belief in strain and stress. Angela Stringfellow Sudden death (stomach): Holds nourishment. Digests ideas. dread, fear of the new or not feeling nourished What I learned from them though is if we have problems to seek support & talk to someone. Closed mouths don't get feed is what they say. I accept the responsibility to check in it may save a life. pay attention, be present, be open, check in, be loving, don't judge. HONORING ANCESTORS & TAKING A MOMENT OF SILENCE We have a responsibility to learn the lessons we are supposed to. I propose to you to take a moment of silence, reflect on your loved ones, look at what they left behind & learn from them. You all can use Shifting Patterns of Thought to examine what your loved passed from & the legacy they left behind. This is the start of HYU - Spirituality in Action Love you & know i'll see you soon Quafin A. P.S. HYU-SIA is a practice & reminder of our connection & responsibility to self, family, community, nature & all of existence. You can start with utilizing HYU resources to study self, check in with us & share your story of the legacy your loved ones left.
Are you ready to clean out the old energy in you home?
Healing the home requires knowing what's needed to heal yourself. Do you KNOW the status of your body & mind? If you don't, take a time out to complete a self health assessment & mental cause of health evaluation below. The assessment can be used to make a list of the things you are holding on to & the things you need to let go. There are many categories & lists on the assessment that may reflect some of the mental behaviors you exhibit. For example, If you are experiencing headaches, the mental cause of headaches is fear, invalidation of the self & self criticism. You must take a deep breath, relax & release anything in your mind & home that invalidates you. So make your list, check it twice & know what you need to cleanse out & let go. Letting go is the hard part. This is that time of year for spring cleaning. Cleansing out the body & home of things you no longer need opens the way for new opportunity & possibility. But before adding new things clear out old energy. Just like the body, your home is holding to your old energy, habits & behaviors. There are several ways to clear the home of old energy but per this article i'll reflect on one: Sage & affirmations. Before starting the process of cleaning & clearing the home with sage & affirmations ,communicate with all living being in the home i.e children, spouse, pets, plants, insects, etc. Sage cleans out old, negative energy & the affirmations brings in the new energy. Now, add the new things that you need. Whatever you are brining in must contribute to the temporary, preventative & permanent health of you. As I already shared about the "I," you are the infinite I of all that exists & if you are healed &/or healing everything else benefits from the work you are doing. Hope to see you at HYU upcoming events & activities of Healing the home & relationships this month. To complete your self health assessment & mental cause evaluation click here Do good by you. love, quafin You are the infinite I of all that exist. In the previous article, "What is the I?", I left you with some ideas & suggestions on work you can do to start studying yourself. The suggestions were to start with "the basics" by finding out your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual status. All of the above can give you the foundation to where you are & how you got there. In addition, last month all were invited to a self care gathering that focused on Zone 0 (Self). We shared a vegan meal & information on self healing. During the self care session all were reminded of their power and authority over their own health. We utilized a self health assessment, diagnosis & treatment worksheet. Below are the resources we provided during the session. The attached documents focus on assessing your current ailments, your current thought pattern that caused those ailments and the new thought pattern you must create & accept to overcome the ailment. Each attached worksheet is for you to utilize & keep. If the thought pattern on the sheet in connection with the ailment resonates with you, move forward & create your own affirmations for shifting your thought patterns. All affirmations must be written using I, in present tense & positive. For example, I love myself & I am free to be me. Join us for our upcoming Healing the Home & Intimate Relations events this month. Check out our calendar here. See you soon. ![]()
They started by answering the question saying... "You called yourself I before you were born." Everyone calls themselves "I" believing that when they say I it is clear what they are talking about. There are 2 types of I's: personal & impersonal. The personal "I" is individual, disconnected/separate from everything else & temporary. The impersonal I is Infinite, connected to all of existence & immortal. Anything that has form & can be seen is temporary i.e car, house, bills, yourself, etc. But the things which are unseen & invisible is eternal. In some cultures they don't refer to themselves as I but as We because their religion or spiritual practices believe that referring to yourself as I is a curse/sin." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Although what they shared was short, it was sweet & it set me off on a journey to know what they meant. So, I looked up the etymology, psychology & spiritual science of I to solidify me knowing what I is. Psychology of I "I" and the body are not always identical and in direct alignment with each other. The I is often experienced as a flowing process while the body is solid and static. There's a phenomena in western psychology known as dissociation. Dissociation is the separation between the direct experience of the I and the body. Daydreaming is an example of dissociation. Although daydreaming is not pathological, anytime anyone is daydreaming they are removed from external stimuli. Dissociation can also be experienced during intense anxiety or trauma & can cause a psychopathological state. "Dark Light Consciousness," chpt. 1: Psychology, Psychiatry and the Many Shades of I I had an experience in personal life with a intense case of dissociation. I was in basic training the summer of 2001. During the last 2 weeks of training I had to complete a "Victory" march. The Victory March was a 9 mile walk in full gear (helmet, m-16 & duffle bag) in 90+ degree weather in a mixed of hills, sand & concrete with no breaks. At first I thought it wasn't hard but before the end I was ready to quit. My body was sore, tired & I began to slow down to stop. My battle buddy behind me pushed me & I wanted to hit her but instead I kept walking until I couldn't feel anything anymore. My body became so numb that I wondered & left my body. I wasn't there I don't know where I went but my body was still walking on auto pilot. When I came back to the body I was in a lot of pain & when we finally stopped I fell to the ground. Although I made it to the end I couldn't get back up. I never experienced in my life & haven't experienced this kind of dissociation since. Spiritual Science In the mystery schools of Kemet, India, Greece & Rome extended experiences in states of extreme dissociation gave birth to the ancient science of transcendence and audience with the spirit realm. The disciplines used to achieve this state, from intoxicating herbs to physical techniques of cleansing and contortion, to rituals of burial and rebirth, have evolved the innumerable spiritual techniques we know today. Many are forgotten; many others still secret. They all served to stop the local mind or I and allow the nonlocal roots of consciousness to arise. The I has no definite or specific location within the brain. Psychology, psychiatry, psychopathology and other research suggests that the I can be separated from the physical body in space, time and matter or energy. There are many people who have intentionally & unintentionally practiced projecting themselves from their bodies through Near Death Experience (NDE), Outer Body Experience (OBE), Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE), astral projection to name a few. Do you know someone or have you ever intentionally projected yourself from the body? Etymology of I I did not add the entire origin of the word in this article but if you'd like to read the full etymology Click Here According to Etymology Dictionary online the "I" is a 12th century word, a shortening of Old English ic, the 1st person singular nominative from Proto-Germanic *ek. ( ARE YOU READY TO COMMIT TO STUDYING YOURSELF? You are the infinite I of all that exist. Are you ready to commit yourself to finding out more about you by studying & exploring you. If you are, here are some suggestions on how to start studying yourself: - Start with basics: physical (health assessment), mental (psychological profile), emotional status & spiritual (ancestral lineage) - all of the above can give you the foundation to where you are & how you got there If you are ready to commit you are welcome to join us in our upcoming events & services. Check out our Calendar The information that was shared in this article is brief & I pray it was informative. In this article there were three main sources that were used: 1. "Uncover the Missing Peace" by Dr. Lewis C. Baskins 2. "Dark Light Consciousness: Melanin, Serpent Power & the Luminous Matrix of Reality" by Edward Bynum 3. https://www.etymonline.com Shared by Quafin ![]() Peace All, Glad that you're interested in becoming a part of the HYU Community. HYU is ready to orient & train new leaders to encourage more involvement. We are looking for at least 6 dedicated community members for temple services, programs & projects. All who are interested are requested to fill out HYU Spiritual Self Help Form. All must fill form by Oct. 26. The following are HYU programs, services are projects: Programs Healing Initiative The restoration of Humanity for Indigenous Americans and Afrikan peoples has not been addressed. It is our responsibility as Indigenous Americans and Afrikans to use our gifts to restore our humanity and divinity. The need to reconnect to source of all life is evident in physical (destruction of self & earth), mental (low self worth; lack of knowledge of self), emotional (projection of negativity) & spiritual (disconnectin from ancestry) imbalances or Indigenous people. Services Self Awareness Exercises HYU provides a sacred space for ancient spiritual practices and understanding through meditation, self study and community connection. We gather in agreement to utilize a system for restoring the mind, body and spirit weekly. We are in need of: Meditation Facilitator(s) | Self Study instructors/facilitators | Community outreach team Projects Self Nurturing & Sustainablity (urban farming) Our Self-Nurturing project is an initiative to establish a self-supported, sustainable system of producing and sustaining healthy foods. We are in need of: Self-Sustainability Lead &coordinator Please fill the interest form completely. Need More info? Contact us at [email protected] |